Rhizoma Extra Virgin Olive Oil | Oleocanthal rapidly and selectively induces cancer cell death via lysosomal membrane permeabilization-ΠΩΣ Η ΟΛΕΟΚΑΝΘΑΛΗ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΕΦΕΙ ΚΑΡΚΙΝΙΚΑ ΚΥΤΤΑΡΑ ΜΕΣΩ ΤΗΣ ΔΙΑΠΕΡΑΣΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΜΕΜΒΡΑΝΗΣ ΤΩΝ ΛΥΣΟΣΟΜΑΤΩΝ
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Oleocanthal rapidly and selectively induces cancer cell death via lysosomal membrane permeabilization-ΠΩΣ Η ΟΛΕΟΚΑΝΘΑΛΗ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΕΦΕΙ ΚΑΡΚΙΝΙΚΑ ΚΥΤΤΑΡΑ ΜΕΣΩ ΤΗΣ ΔΙΑΠΕΡΑΣΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΜΕΜΒΡΑΝΗΣ ΤΩΝ ΛΥΣΟΣΟΜΑΤΩΝ


13 Nov Oleocanthal rapidly and selectively induces cancer cell death via lysosomal membrane permeabilization-ΠΩΣ Η ΟΛΕΟΚΑΝΘΑΛΗ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΕΦΕΙ ΚΑΡΚΙΝΙΚΑ ΚΥΤΤΑΡΑ ΜΕΣΩ ΤΗΣ ΔΙΑΠΕΡΑΣΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΜΕΜΒΡΑΝΗΣ ΤΩΝ ΛΥΣΟΣΟΜΑΤΩΝ

Αnother study that provides evidence about the selective action of polyphenolic components of EVOO that destroy cancer cells. Άλλη μια μελέτη για το 2015 σε σημαντικό επιστημονικό περιοδικό που δίνει στοιχία για την καταστροφική δράση της ελαιοκανθάλης σε καρκινικά κύτταρα. Παρατίθεται η σύνοψη της μελέτης και πολύ ενδιαφέρουσες αναφορές.

Molecular & Cellular Oncology

Volume 2Issue 4, 2015

Oleocanthal (OC), a phenolic compound present in extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO), has been implicated in the health benefits associated with diets rich in EVOO. We investigated the effect of OC on human cancer cell lines in culture and found that OC induced cell death in all cancer cells examined as rapidly as 30 minutes after treatment in the absence of serum. OC treatment of non-transformed cells suppressed their proliferation but did not cause cell death. OC induced both primary necrotic and apoptotic cell death via induction of lysosomal membrane permeabilization (LMP). We provide evidence that OC promotes LMP by inhibiting acid sphingomyelinase (ASM) activity, which destabilizes the interaction between proteins required for lysosomal membrane stability. The data presented here indicate that cancer cells, which tend to have fragile lysosomal membranes compared to non-cancerous cells, are susceptible to cell death induced by lysosomotropic agents. Therefore, targeting lysosomal membrane stability represents a novel approach for the induction of cancer-specific cell death.