Rhizoma Extra Virgin Olive Oil | Olive shoot growth is generally low in June and July-Η ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΜΙΚΡΗ ΚΑΤΑ ΤΟΝ ΙΟΥΝΙΟ ΚΑΙ ΙΟΥΛΙΟ
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Olive shoot growth is generally low in June and July-Η ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΜΙΚΡΗ ΚΑΤΑ ΤΟΝ ΙΟΥΝΙΟ ΚΑΙ ΙΟΥΛΙΟ


23 Jun Olive shoot growth is generally low in June and July-Η ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΜΙΚΡΗ ΚΑΤΑ ΤΟΝ ΙΟΥΝΙΟ ΚΑΙ ΙΟΥΛΙΟ

July and August are typically the months when olives need the most water. Insufficient soil moisture during these months reduces shoot growth and carbohydrate production and if severe enough, causes fruit shrivel. Scientific water management pays off, ecologically, politically and financially. We evaluate practices existing and implement improved methods to assess water use, soil moisture content and application uniformity. Applying principles related to water allocations to agriculture in our area made Rhizoma Olive Farms significantly improve our farms quality and productivity. Although olive trees are considered drought tolerant plants they do not produce well without proper irrigation. This is mainly due to the fact that nutrient absorption rates decrease substantially. Sound agronomic principles are implemented in Rhizoma Olive Farms in order to increase soil moisture and help trees keep moisture within desired levels. Common sense is always used to modify irrigation scheduling if temperature or wind conditions are quite different from normal. The Greek Meteorological Society and meteo.gr are very helpful in letting us know the difference.