A very moving account by our friend Keterina Alexakis from Quebec, Canada, who visised Rhizoma Olive Farms for a few days in June. She is determined to come and join us next year as well. Thank you Katerina Alexakis for helping us we hope we made your visit worthwhile. See you soon
Μια πολύ όμορφη αφήγηση της φίλης (πλέον) Κατερίνας από το Quebec του Καναδά, τον Ιούνιο που περιγράφει αυτά που ένιωσε τις λίγες μέρες που ήταν μαζί μας. Ήταν τόσο ενθουσιασμένη που θα προσπαθήσει να έρθει στο Rhizoma Olive Farms και την επόμενη χρονιά. Σε ευχαριστούμε Κατερίνα Αλεξάκης για την βοήθεια σου. Ελπίζουμε να κάναμε την παραμονή σου να άξιζε. Τα λέμε σύντομα πάλι.
“I went to Greece this year with Western University for a Classical tour of Greece and I spent three weeks intensively immersing myself in Greek history and culture. After that, I visited the town in which I was raised, Porto Heli, for another month where I spent time with my grandparents and extended family, swimming, learning, and most importantly, eating. I say most importantly because it is at a Greek dinner table that conversations of politics, daily encounters, and valuable time with family occurs. And what is at the heart of Greek dinners? Olive oil, the most quotidian product of the kitchen.
While I was there I got the opportunity to visit Rhizoma Olive farms Rhizoma Olive Farms quality organic Greek products with its founder, Tasos Anestis, where I got a tour and was able to participate in caring for the trees. Tasos’ enthusiasm and passion for his work was contagious and I was beyond excited. My expectations were exceeded as we drove through the carefully cultivated forest of twisted, almost gothic, trees, and it was hypnotizing. I then spent around four hours watering and individually checking each tree while talking with Tasos about the process of cultivating, processing, and manufacturing olive oil on a global scale. We talked about the Greek economy, ecological issues, the youth of today, and life in general while we worked and I felt no time pass at all. Suddenly the sun was setting over the trees and the mountain behind, an image that will forever be engrained in my mind.
There was a feeling of timelessness and history that seemed to radiate off of each individual plant, the oldest being 650 years old, that rooted me. No matter what happens in life, the olive tree stands, proud and resilient, ever growing and changing, yet ever staying the same, much like the Greek people.
The olive tree is a provider; It provides history, provides employment, provides shelter, provides food, provides income, provides LIFE.
I came away from this experience with an education about the importance of hard work, of being ecologically responsible, and with a new found respect for olive oil and all it entails. Going to Rhizoma farms was enlightening on so many levels. I am so grateful to Tasos for giving me this opportunity and I not only recommend supporting Rhizoma Olive Oil because it is delicious olive oil but also because of the level of integrity and dedication that Rhizoma pours into every bottle.”