Rhizoma Extra Virgin Olive Oil | The history of the first appearance of hominoids in ΝE Argolis. H ΕΜΦΑΝΙΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΠΡΩΤΩΝ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΕΙΔΩΝ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΡΜΙΟΝΙΔΑ ΠΑΕΙ ΠΙΣΩ 35.000 ΧΡΟΝΙΑ
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The history of the first appearance of hominoids in ΝE Argolis. H ΕΜΦΑΝΙΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΠΡΩΤΩΝ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΕΙΔΩΝ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΡΜΙΟΝΙΔΑ ΠΑΕΙ ΠΙΣΩ 35.000 ΧΡΟΝΙΑ


09 Feb The history of the first appearance of hominoids in ΝE Argolis. H ΕΜΦΑΝΙΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΠΡΩΤΩΝ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΕΙΔΩΝ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΡΜΙΟΝΙΔΑ ΠΑΕΙ ΠΙΣΩ 35.000 ΧΡΟΝΙΑ

Homenoids first appeared and started populating NE Argolis approximately 35.000 years ago.  Pre-historic humans came over from Africa and found shelter here, hunted, cultivated the land made useful tools for everyday use and art objects and created a significant civilisation.